Congratulations on your decision to participate in IABC's Career Assessment. Your responses will provide you with an assessment of your current career milestone and help you to discover areas of professional strength, and suggest ways to continue career development.
Your individual assessment will be shared with you and you alone. After you have received your individual assessment, IABC will store only demographic data and statistical information from your assessment - no personally identifiable information will be stored without your permission. IABC will use the aggregated data to analyze trends and assist in advancing the profession.
If you consent to these terms, please acknowledge by checking this box:
The IABC Career AssessmentSM is based on the Global Standard for the Communication Profession and the career milestones as defined within the IABC Career Roadmap. The assessment will assist you in positioning yourself on the IABC Career Roadmap based on what you know and what you can do according to the six Principles of the Global Standard for the Communication Profession.
What to do
Remember this is a self-assessment and the value of the tool is to gauge where you are in your career journey. Simply read each statement and use the scale from 1 - 7, between Developing (1) to Mastered (7), to indicate your proficiency. To ensure your scale selection is the one you want, view the "Selected Value" number below the scale and to the right. You may also choose (0) indicating no proficiency if it is something you have not been exposed to or doing as yet. Some statements have multiple elements within them; you should give an overall proficiency rating for the elements as a whole, as opposed to considering them individually. The scale is as follows:
You ought to rate your proficiency as...
If you:
No proficiency
Something you have not been exposed to or doing as yet.
Are currently learning more about this.
Require assistance and supervision when doing this.
Have done this multiple times successfully and without supervision.
Have performed and executed the skill with more than acceptable pace and quality.
Have done this on your own initiative in situations, using multiple specialties.
Have comprehensive knowledge and experience in doing this in a multi-specialized environment.
Have broad, in-depth knowledge and experience in doing this across multiple specialties and situations.
Print the IABC Proficiency Metric
What to expect at the end
Upon submitting your responses, you will get access to a Career Assessment Report that includes an indication of your career milestone. This is calculated using the average of the proficiency ratings you give yourself across the multiple knowledge/skill statements. You will also see where you rated yourself highest and where you might choose to focus your development. If you are using a mobile device, a horizontal view is recommended.
Start Assessment