IABC Career AssessmentSM


Section 1: Background

Congratulations on your decision to participate in IABC's Career Assessment. Your responses will provide you with an assessment of your current career milestone and help you to discover areas of professional strength, and suggest ways to continue career development.


Your individual assessment will be shared with you and you alone. After you have received your individual assessment, IABC will store only demographic data and statistical information from your assessment - no personally identifiable information will be stored without your permission. IABC will use the aggregated data to analyze trends and assist in advancing the profession.

If you consent to these terms, please acknowledge by checking this box:

The IABC Career AssessmentSM is based on the Global Standard for the Communication Profession and the career milestones as defined within the IABC Career Roadmap. The assessment will assist you in positioning yourself on the IABC Career Roadmap based on what you know and what you can do according to the six Principles of the Global Standard for the Communication Profession.

What to do
Remember this is a self-assessment and the value of the tool is to gauge where you are in your career journey. Simply read each statement and use the scale from 1 - 7, between Developing (1) to Mastered (7), to indicate your proficiency. To ensure your scale selection is the one you want, view the "Selected Value" number below the scale and to the right. You may also choose (0) indicating no proficiency if it is something you have not been exposed to or doing as yet. Some statements have multiple elements within them; you should give an overall proficiency rating for the elements as a whole, as opposed to considering them individually. The scale is as follows:

You ought to rate your proficiency as...
If you:
No proficiency
Something you have not been exposed to or doing as yet.
Are currently learning more about this.
Require assistance and supervision when doing this.
Have done this multiple times successfully and without supervision.
Have performed and executed the skill with more than acceptable pace and quality.
Have done this on your own initiative in situations, using multiple specialties.
Have comprehensive knowledge and experience in doing this in a multi-specialized environment.
Have broad, in-depth knowledge and experience in doing this across multiple specialties and situations.

Print the IABC Proficiency Metric

What to expect at the end
Upon submitting your responses, you will get access to a Career Assessment Report that includes an indication of your career milestone. This is calculated using the average of the proficiency ratings you give yourself across the multiple knowledge/skill statements. You will also see where you rated yourself highest and where you might choose to focus your development. If you are using a mobile device, a horizontal view is recommended.

Start Assessment

Section 2: Career Purpose

Step 1 of 8

The Career Purpose of the Communication Professional

Communication professionals represent the voice of an organization as it interacts with customers, clients, employees, partners, shareholders, competitors and the community. The communication professional brings the organization to life with a brand voice that aligns its verbal, visual and digital messages and activities with its mission and vision. By clarifying the brand, communication professionals help ensure the organization runs efficiently and effectively.

Communication professionals build a strategic communication plan based on thorough research, they communicate with a variety of audiences in a range of styles, they develop and edit content, and they assess where and how to communicate and how to evaluate the results of their work. They act as the organization’s conscience and strive for its financial, social and environmental sustainability.

These first two statements reflect the overall purpose of a communication professional within an organization and are not used in the calculation of your results. These should be viewed on how you rate yourself against the career purpose.

As a communication professional, I...

The IABC Proficiency Metric 0 - No Proficiency
1 - Developing
2 - Novice
3 - Independent
4 - Intermediate
5 - Advanced
6 - Accomplished
7 - Mastered
Please make sure that you have a value for each statement. If you have "No Proficiency" select the checkbox.
Have the know-how to research, write, edit, disseminate and evaluate communication to support an organizational goal.
No Proficiency
Am able to create, convey and evaluate communication that serves as the voice of an organization as it interacts with stakeholders.
No Proficiency

Section 3: Proficiency Ratings

Step 2 of 8


With rigor and discipline, a communication professional identifies opportunities and challenges both inside and outside of the organization. Addressing communication challenges and opportunities with a thoughtful strategy allows the organization to achieve its mission and goals. The communication professional systematically manages communication activities, making decisions based on research, analysis, planning and evaluation. The professional also has the flexibility and creativity to adjust to change inside and outside of the organization.

As a communication professional, I...

The IABC Proficiency Metric 0 - No Proficiency
1 - Developing
2 - Novice
3 - Independent
4 - Intermediate
5 - Advanced
6 - Accomplished
7 - Mastered
Please make sure that you have a value for each statement. If you have "No Proficiency" select the checkbox.
Know the fundamentals of communication planning and basic project management.
No Proficiency
Can develop and implement a communication plan.
No Proficiency
Understand various strategic communication models for my specific specialization or discipline.
No Proficiency
Can develop and implement a communication strategy and assist stakeholders to develop communication plans.
No Proficiency
Know the principles of strategic communication planning, processes and techniques for outcome-focused communication, including advanced research, analysis, objective setting and evaluation methodologies.
No Proficiency
Can advise on the principles, processes and techniques to generate outcome-focused communication.
No Proficiency
Understand how the elements of the communication plan facilitate the monitoring, adjustment and measuring of enterprise communication activities in presenting one organizational voice.
No Proficiency
Can prove that the communication activities planned, align with the organization’s business goals and objectives and would amplify the likelihood for the organization to achieve its mission.
No Proficiency
Step 3 of 8


Communication professionals research and evaluate how to serve and promote the organization most effectively and then offer recommendations supported by direct and secondary evidence. They develop and implement communication plans and gauge their results using clear qualitative and quantitative measures that can be duplicated.

As a communication professional, I...

The IABC Proficiency Metric 0 - No Proficiency
1 - Developing
2 - Novice
3 - Independent
4 - Intermediate
5 - Advanced
6 - Accomplished
7 - Mastered
Please make sure that you have a value for each statement. If you have "No Proficiency" select the checkbox.
Understand measurement methodologies to determine the impact of communication interventions.
No Proficiency
Can select the appropriate measurement instruments, apply them, interpret the findings and present the results to a team leader to include in a report.
No Proficiency
Know different research and measurement methodologies, the processes to follow to create valid and reliable research instruments and basic statistical models to interpret data.
No Proficiency
Can conduct valid and reliable research and measurement, apply statistical data, prepare research reports and indicate the impact of communication interventions on business imperatives.
No Proficiency
Know how to follow research and measurement trends for specific aspects of business communication and statistical analysis.
No Proficiency
Can identify research and measurement projects, allocate resources to enable the project, oversee the project, review the report and present the outcomes to management in a way that will build understanding about the impact of communication on the sustainability of the business.
No Proficiency
Understand the complex competing issues impacting the management of the business and the necessity for communication to prove the value it adds.
No Proficiency
Have the ability to manage resources to gather pertinent research, using appropriate methodologies and measures, to gain insight into the perceptions of company stakeholders.
No Proficiency
Step 4 of 8


The communication professional is sophisticated about the organization's internal culture and external environment. Deep familiarity with the organization's vision and goals and how its elements function together - from accounting to production to human resources - is crucial to interacting successfully with other leaders of the organization and communicating effectively about the organization. Advocating successfully for the organization also depends on a thorough understanding of its political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal context - and of how to interact with representatives of other organizations.

As a communication professional, I...

The IABC Proficiency Metric 0 - No Proficiency
1 - Developing
2 - Novice
3 - Independent
4 - Intermediate
5 - Advanced
6 - Accomplished
7 - Mastered
Please make sure that you have a value for each statement. If you have "No Proficiency" select the checkbox.
Understand the broader context of the organization, including its mission, competitors, stakeholders and external factors that influence the organization’s performance.
No Proficiency
Can identify the key communication stakeholders, their potential impact and importance and suggest possible priorities of initiatives.
No Proficiency
Know and understand key organizational and market data, including financial performance, wider issues such as Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) and how these factors influence the agenda and the narrative in the organization.
No Proficiency
Can analyze and interpret trends and data and develop content for different communication platforms to drive the organizational agenda and narrative.
No Proficiency
Understand both internal and external factors that impact on the way the organization manages change.
No Proficiency
Can apply industry and market data to develop a change and/or communication strategy, lead the development of the organizational narrative, allocate and manage resources and oversee implementation of the project by the communication function.
No Proficiency
Know and understand the facts, statistics and drivers of the organization's operations and the need for calculated actions to meet its mission.
No Proficiency
Have the ability to distill by importance and impact, environmental factors and trends that impact stakeholder perceptions.
No Proficiency
Step 5 of 8


A communication professional identifies and communicates with employees, customers, shareholders, regulators, government agencies and other groups with an interest in the organization's activities. All these groups have the potential to change the organization's results. The communication professional fosters and nourishes relationships with them that will support the organization's mission and goals. The communication professional uses dialogue to tell the organization's story and garner support.

As a communication professional, I...

The IABC Proficiency Metric 0 - No Proficiency
1 - Developing
2 - Novice
3 - Independent
4 - Intermediate
5 - Advanced
6 - Accomplished
7 - Mastered
Please make sure that you have a value for each statement. If you have "No Proficiency" select the checkbox.
Understand when and how to optimize communication channels to build and maintain stakeholder relationships.
No Proficiency
Can use processes to engage different stakeholder groups effectively.
No Proficiency
Know audience participation and engagement models which integrate Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) principles.
No Proficiency
Can develop communication strategies and facilitate internal and external dialogue to understand stakeholder needs and preferences.
No Proficiency
Know how to link internal and external stakeholder input with opportunities to impact business outcomes and strengthen reputation.
No Proficiency
Can serve as a member of the executive and cross-functional teams to facilitate and build two-way communication opportunities to strengthen relationships with stakeholders while overcoming challenges and addressing conflict.
No Proficiency
Know all the elements of the stakeholder landscape and the importance of a feedback mechanism to drive effective and efficient communication.
No Proficiency
Have superior skills in interpersonal and management communication techniques to maintain a positive socio-emotional culture.
No Proficiency
Step 6 of 8


Acting as the organization's voice, a communication professional expresses a single, consistent story for internal and external audiences. This narrative is clear and compelling, it reflects the input and perspectives of diverse stakeholders, and it furthers the organization's mission. A communication professional integrates information and inspiration for this narrative from people with diverse perspectives and ensures that content is appropriate to each audience.

As a communication professional, I...

The IABC Proficiency Metric 0 - No Proficiency
1 - Developing
2 - Novice
3 - Independent
4 - Intermediate
5 - Advanced
6 - Accomplished
7 - Mastered
Please make sure that you have a value for each statement. If you have "No Proficiency" select the checkbox.
Know how to write and edit content for different channel formats (e.g. print, web, digital, speaking notes), proofread copy, develop a brand, and manage events.
No Proficiency
Can prepare, package and monitor communication in a variety of media.
No Proficiency
Understand artificial intelligence, augmented reality and other evolving technologies and their impact on organizational communication.
No Proficiency
Can develop and disseminate messages, manage a brand, align content and oversee stakeholder relationships both external and internal, including media and government relations.
No Proficiency
Know how to facilitate two-way proactive strategic communication, decision-making, stakeholder analysis, collaboration, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I).
No Proficiency
Can serve as a member of a corporate team providing senior-level advice on change management, stakeholder relations and research and evaluation methods.
No Proficiency
Understand the strengths, weaknesses and impact of verbal and nonverbal communication and organizational communication theories, models and frameworks that inform the sending and reception of messages.
No Proficiency
Can apply communication standards, best practices and safeguards in designing a strategy for the organization's communication activities.
No Proficiency
Step 7 of 8


Communication professionals adhere to the highest standards of professional behavior. They understand and apply ethical standards, communicate with sensitivity to values and beliefs, act without deception and in accordance with the law, represent the organization truthfully, fairly and accurately, enable mutual understanding and respect and (if an IABC member) adhere to the IABC Code of Ethics for Communication Professionals.

As a communication professional, I...

The IABC Proficiency Metric 0 - No Proficiency
1 - Developing
2 - Novice
3 - Independent
4 - Intermediate
5 - Advanced
6 - Accomplished
7 - Mastered
Please make sure that you have a value for each statement. If you have "No Proficiency" select the checkbox.
Understand communication-related laws and ethical codes of the industry.
No Proficiency
Can apply the profession's code of conduct and code of ethics in all communication interventions.
No Proficiency
Know how to build an understanding of ethical codes governing the function of communication and how these apply in different cultures and communication specialization areas.
No Proficiency
Can create ethical communication campaigns that consider laws affecting copyright, privacy, plagiarism and disclosure.
No Proficiency
Know legal and ethical communication at a deeper level as it applies within the area and/or industry of specialization.
No Proficiency
Can advise on legal, ethical and truthful communication practices within my organization.
No Proficiency
Understand the ethical standards and emerging ethical practices of the industry in which I work.
No Proficiency
Can serve as the organization's conscience, keeping abreast of the communication profession's standards and practices to effectively appraise and advocate for ethical communication by the organization.
No Proficiency

Section 4: Profile Questions

Step 8 of 8
In which country do you work as a communication professional?
Please provide the name you would like to be used on the report.